Page[Export data]=>Menu[List of tables] :
[TableBrands] - creating data tables of brands
[TableCars] - creating data tables of cars.
- ability to select only the desired brand of cars
- possibility of separation on the table of passenger and truck cars
- opportunity to create a table of criteria cars in a separate file
[MainTableParts] - creating data tables of spare parts
- ability to select only the desired brand of parts
- ability to select only the desired product groups
- ability to select only the desired parts groups
- opportunity to create a table of criteria cars in a separate file
- opportunity to create a table to import into the store OpenCart
[TablePartsCrossReference] - creating data tables of cross-reference numbers
- ability to select only the desired brand of parts
- ability to select only the desired product groups
- ability to select only the desired parts groups
- able to specify just the desired kind of numbers (UserNumbers, Oe-numbers,
TradeNumbers, EAN-numbers)
[TableTreeProductGroup] - creating data tables of product categories
[TableLinkGroupsCarsAndParts] - creating binding data tables of groups of
vehicles and groups spare parts
[LinkedTableParts] - creating data tables of groups of spare parts
[LinkedTableCars] - creating data tables of groups of vehicles
[TableUsedPartsForCars] - creating data tables with common data connected to
each other. These tables are suitable for importing into various online shops.
- ability to select only the desired brand of cars
- ability to select only the desired brand of parts
- ability to select only the desired product groups
- ability to select only the desired parts groups
- creating tables for import into the store Magento
- creating tables for import into the store OpenCarts
- ....
[ExportImages] - Export images of spare parts
- ability to select only the desired brand of parts
- ability to select only the desired product groups
- ability to select only the desired parts groups
- ability to convert images to another format
- ability to export only specified spare parts in list
[TableSpecificationsParts] - creating data table of specification kits of spare parts
- ability to select only the desired brand of parts
- ability to select only the desired product groups
- ability to select only the desired parts groups
[ExportAdditional] - An additional list of tables and functions :
[ExportAdditional]:[Images logos] - Export images of logos of brands of spare
[ExportAdditional]:[Additional Information article] - creating data tables of
additional information of spare parts.
[ExportAdditional]:[PDF file] - export pdf-files of Installation Instructions Parts.
[ExportAdditional]:[KBA/MIME/NUMBERPLATE] - creating data tables for
modules of search with the possibility of search by extension numbers of cars.
[ExportAdditional]:[TTC_ART_ID=>STR_ID] - creating data tables of
communication parts and commodity group.
[ExportAdditional]:[TTC_TYP_ID=>STR_ID] - creating data tables of
communication cars and commodity group
[ExportAdditional]:[TTC_TYP_ID=>TTC_ART_ID] - creating data tables of
communication cars and parts
[ExportAdditional]:[TTC_ART_ID=>TTC_TYP_ID=>TERMS OF USE] -
creating data tables of conditions of use of spare parts for cars
[ExportAdditional]:[NEW_TTC_ART_ID=>OLD_TTC_ART_ID] - creating data
tables of replacing old trade number on new numbers
[ExportAdditional]:[Export PRICE LIST] - creating data tables of price lists
from suppliers
[ExportAdditional]:[Table groups of spare parts] - creating data tables of
groups spare parts
[EXPORT ONLY SPECIFIED CARS AND PARTS] - the ability to specify an
additional filter to create rows for data tables. Opportunity to create a list of
identification numbers of spare parts according to your price list.
Page[Preparation and/or convert a CSV file ....]
The ability to handle csv-file and import into a database
Page[Editing] - csv-file editing. Converting csv-file in xls-files. Correcting the csv-
file, removing unnecessary characters.
Page[SQL script] - converting csv-file in sql-scripts.
Page[Help for importing the database] - Links to files with the description of the
creation of tables, data import and list common sql-query.
Page[Help for importing the database]:Button[Create a coonection to the
database] - The transition to the panel for import of sql-scripts into the database
(Supported databases : Access, InterBase, MySql, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL
Server, SQLite). Page[SQL editor] - opens form SQL-editor, which will allow run
the test queries for the connected database (output data as csv or html file).