================================================================================= SERVICES DETERMINING K-TYPE (TYP_ID) VEHICLE ACCORDING FOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION PLATES FOR COUNTRIES : - Austria, - Denmark, - Finland, - France, - Netherlands, - Norway, - Sweden, - Great Britain, - Ireland, - Italy - Portugal ... AND ALSO ACCORDING FOR : - KBA-number (for German) and - VIN code vehicle ================================================================================= === ALSO WE OFFER DEVELOPMENT OF SEARCH BARS FOR THE INTEGRATION TO YOUR SITE === ================================================================================= --- --- Description works of service : --- The principle of operation of the service is in sending REST HTTP-requests on host http://server:ip/ (DATA FOR THE DEMO TEST WE CAN PROVIDE AFTER SENDING A REQUEST TO EMAIL on the scripts of service and receive data in XML-format. Description of values for sending : format requests : http://server:ip/namefunction?securecode=your_secure_code&vrmnum=your_registration_number&emailclient=your_email emailclient - email, which was registered in service securecode - activity code to check payment, that will be sent after the payment for use of service vrmnum - registration number/VIN number of car namefunction, can will for : - getktypeforvrm : for Great Britain and Ireland - getktypefornumplateaustria : for Austria - getktypefornumplatedenmark : for Denmark - getktypefornumplatefinland : for Finland - getktypefornumplatefrance : for France - getktypefornumplatenetherlands : for Netherlands - getktypefornumplatenorway : for Norway - getktypefornumplatesweden : for Sweden - getktypefornumplateitalian : for Italy - getktypefornumplateportugal : for Portugal - getktypeforkbanum : for KBA number of German - getktypeforvincode : for VIN number SOME NOTES FOR VIN SERVICE : - Vehicle title in English - Considered true decrypted only list cars where will no more 5 cars in list - In the first step all the VIN numbers first try decrypt with help universal algoritm, in case if this is may not or this is large selection list cars then will searching in the global database VIN - With the wrong VIN number may be a delay in the response due to the verification of a specified number in a global base of VIN - Performance of grab by list VIN numbers and DDOS attacks are automatically blocked - DDOs attack are considered in the case of overflow the stack of pending requests for more than 10 requests per client (~ more 1 queries each sec) - At moment VIN service are in test mode and posible delay in the response ------------ ADDITIONAL REQUESTS ------------- Posibility get info about limitation request, list last requests and other info for client : http://server:ip/checkwhenwasendservice?securecode=your_any_actived_secure_code&emailclient=your_email ================================================================================= --- --- Description of obtained data : --- - body xml-file - the processing status of your request 200 - ok 400 - error - error in the case of status = 400, or deadline of use of the service in case of status = 200 - the response body where will data about the cars - true/false, is the answer about found cars - body data for each car - k-type of car - short description of car --------------------- --- --- Sample receive data --- 200 Final date of use : 2015-09-25 580* FORD KA (RB_) 1.3 i (60Hp) petrol from 09-1996 to today false --------------------- 400 Ended term of use for service ! Need extend use of service ... or contains incorrect SECURITY CODE ============================= Example for PHP ====================================== $emailclient = 'your_email'; $secur_code = 'your_secure_code'; $plnum = 'your_registration_number'; $nameservice = 'getktypefor...'; $listcars = array(); $listcars_id = array(); $listcars_shortdatacar = array(); libxml_use_internal_errors(false); // To be able to disable the internal errors Hosting $xml = simplexml_load_file('http://server:ip/'.$nameservice.'?securecode='.$secur_code.'&vrmnum='.$plnum.'&emailclient='.$emailclient); if ($xml && $xml->status == 200 && $xml->data->empty == 'false') { foreach ($xml->data->datacar as $datacar) { $listcars_id[] = $datacar->ktype; $listcars_shortdatacar[] = $datacar->shortdatacar; } } $listcars=array('id'=>$listcars_id, 'shortdatacar'=>$listcars_shortdatacar); return $listcars; ---------------------